Thursday, May 6, 2010

May 6, 1945

6th _____ GQ went from 215AM to 445AM _ Chow at 700 & Cond. II for bombardment went right after chow. AA went twice this morning with GQ once _ nothing showed up. We did a little firing turrit I fired (120 HCs.) We shifted at best 4 times during the day. AA went after we shifted for the last time but didn't last long.
_____ (We could still see large fires on the beach.)
_____ Turrit four was damage when turrit III fired straight off. So she'll be out for a little while.

___ Helping us in todays bombardment were
USS Miss. --BB ____ DD 804 & two
USS Texas --| _____ other DDs
USS NY. _ --|

(Still at N_____ Bay)

Turret 4 damage? The only incident Mobile's Official War Record mentions is "In May, 1945, during the same operation a premature explosion occurred in the barrel of a 20MM gun, slightly wounding one man." No mention of large guns being damaged.

DD 804 was the Destroyer USS Rooks

N = Nahagasuku Bay

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