Tuesday, August 31, 2010

August 31, 1945

31 _____ We went out again this morning the same ships as before only the C.V.E. 109 was with us instead of the other carrier _ we fired both this morning & afternoon. We pulled back into port about 1700 & drop anchor. Movies on main deck aft.
181 days

Photo is of an anti-aircraft (AA) crew.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

August 30, 1945

30- _____ We stood in port today _ I had recreation _ its really a small place the island where we went for recreation _ its one of the islands we pass in coming in here, we often use to strafe it when we use to go back to Point Bowlow. The island still hasnt been cleared of all mines _ two fellows were killed over there a few days ago. The BB New Jersey & two large Carriers came in today also one heavy C. Portland

Joe may have meant Keise Island, which is between Point Bowlow and the Kerama anchorage. Photo shows the guns on Keise after the American took it in April 1945.

Editor Note: Odd place to send sailors for recreation. Unless they were trying to cull the stupid ones out of the herd.

August 29, 1945

29- _____ We left the harbor about 0730 _ with us were Cruisers div 12 & 13 altogether 8 CL & 1 C.V.E Carrier & about seven DDs _ we fired this morning but this afternoon the carrier planes made a sim____ acttack on us _ we pulled back into harbor at 1700 & drope anchor (Movies on main deck aft.)

CL = light cruisers
CVE = aircraft carrier escorts
DD = destroyers

sim__ acttack = simulated attack

Photo: Cruiser Division 13. One of the ships is the Mobile.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

August 28, 1945

28 _____ This morning we had inspection in white _ after inspection all div went back to the main deck aft where Captain Miller read the order & gave over the command of the ship to Captain _____ who we held in from (Mobile Alabama). It rained during the turning over of command. We were told were going out tomorrow for test firing.

New skipper was Captain Thomas Lawrence Lewis, USN, Class of '21. Photo shows Capt Miller (left) shaking hands with Capt Lewis (right) after ceremony. They're wet because of the rain.

Friday, August 27, 2010

August 27, 1945

27. _____ Today we had inspection of the whole ship by the New & old captain. tomorrow were going to have personal inspection right after inspection the new captain will take over. Recreation day _ Movies in after Messing space.

Photo shows inspection in dress whites by the old and new captain (Captain Miller in front, Captain Lewis next).

Thursday, August 26, 2010

August 26, 1945

26- _____ Not much going on today except our new captain came on board this morning. Captain CC Miller will probably leave in a few days. Today was field day because of inspection tomorrow & tuesday. Movies was held in Messing space. Recreation today.

Photo: Captain Miller

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August 25, 1945

25- _____ We had inspection at 900 this morning. Dope going around is that were going to stay here for three more weeks. I sure hope we go to Japan soon.
175 days

Photo: A Mobile crewman working with a microscope. Not sure if he's testing drinking water, doing medical tests, or what.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

August 24, 1945

24- _____ No[t] much going on today except 5 BBs left the harbor at 10.00 this morning _ they were

N. Mex. __ W. Virginia
Miss _____ Colorado
Idaho ____ also a few DDs


Miss = USS Mississippi (pictured, as she appeared in Oct 1945)

DDs = destroyers

Sunday, August 22, 2010

August 23, 1945

23- _____ We fueled this after noon so we might go out again real soon.


Photo is from The New Yorker magazine on this date.

August 22, 1945

22- _____ We were off Okinawa all night just waiting for it to get light enough to go in. We entered N_____ Bay at 700 & we drop anchor a few thousand yard from beach. There were seven other BB in here. they were

USS Penna. __ 38 ___ USS W. Vir.
USS N. Mex. _ 40 ___ USS Colorado
USS Miss - _ 41
USS Idaho - _ 42
USS Tenn - _ 43

{also there were}
C div 12 which consist of
USS Cleveland 55
USS Montpelier
USS Denver 57
USS Clambia

2 C.A - __ USS Whil 45
_______ USS
2 - B.C. _ USS Alaska -1
_______ USS Guam -2
also about 5 small carrier.

N = Nakagusuku Bay

C div 12 = another division of light cruisers like the Mobile (which was in division 13).

Clambia = USS Columbia
USS Whil = CA 45 was the USS Wichita
B.C. = actually CB, a class of large cruisers.

#109 was USS Cape Gloucester which was an escort carrier (CVE)

#29 was USS Bataan, a light carrier (CVL)

Photo is of the 3rd Fleet.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

August 21, 1945

21- _____ This morning we hit the Ass end of the typhoon _ it only lasted an hour but it was mostly wind.  We had quarter[s] at 815.  We don't expect to stay in Okinawa very long.  Tonight on the 6 to 8 we were only 90 miles from Okinawa.  We going in tomorrow morning.

Photo shows navigation crew "shooting the sun" to find out the ship's position.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

August 20, 1945

20- _____ At sea today _ quarters at 815 _ movies on after messing space. (Today is my birthday _ I'm 23 years old)
_____ We were told we might hit a typhoon late tonight.


When crew members had birthdays, an announcement would order them to "lay down to the bakeshop" for their cake and ice cream. Photos show Mobile's sailors enjoying their birthdays.

Editor's Note: Happy Birthday, Uncle Joe.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

August 19, 1945

19- _____ Ship got underway at 800 this morning _ we left the harbor & waited outside of bay for the four BBs who joined up with us about 1100. they are the

_____ BB ________ No _ APDs No
USS Nevada ______ 36 _ 103
__"_ Texas _______ 35 _ 45
__"_ Ark. ________ 33 _ 31
__"_ Calif. ________ 44 _ 51
____ CL- USS B ___ 80 _ 37
____ Also with us was one can & two DEs.
____ We were told in quarter that were headed for Okinawa & it is expected to take us from three to four days to get there _ USS Nevad is the leader of the task group.
_____ (Movies in after messing space)
BB = battleship. "Ark." was the USS Arkansas.
CL = light cruiser. #80 was the USS Biloxi.
can = destroyers were called "tin cans".
DEs = destroyer escorts (small destroyers).
Nevad = USS Nevada (pictured with USS Texas in background)

169 = 169 days out of the states

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August 18, 1945

18- _____ We heard in quarters this morning ship was going to pull out tomorrow morning. There was recreation today & movies on the main deck aft.
Photo shows the Executive Officers' administrative staff.

August 17, 1945

17 _____ we stood in port but theres dope going around were going to Okinawa in a few days. There was recreation during the past three days.

Photo shows the Mobile's dentist.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

August 16, 1945

Joe made no entry today.

Photo is of the bosun's whistle being played over the ship's P.A. system. The use of the whistle on naval vessels dates back at least as far as the Crusades in the 1200s. The high pitch could send signals over the sounds of the ocean and battle. Commonly used to signal an announcement about to be made, but also used during ceremonies.

August 15, 1945

15 _____ we stood in port but theres dope going around were going to Okinawa in a few days.

(in margin) "to 17"

Joe seems to have made this entry on the 17th to cover all 3 days.
Photo shows the Mobile's Carpenter's Shop.

Friday, August 13, 2010

August 14, 1945

14- _____ When we got up this morning there still wasn't any news about Japs excepting our peace turms but this afternoon we heard that they had excepted them. There still hasn't been any order about seace firing.

excepting, excepted = accepting, accepted
turms = terms
seace = cease

August 13, 1945

13- _____ We took off our "A.P. Amm & some five inch bombardment Amm & we took some 5" amm but the ship didn't have any HC 6" Amm.
_____ We were told there was going to be a spe...al an. tonight at 20.00 so we all stod up but the Japs still havent given us a answer so the war is still on.
_____ Movies on main deck aft. No recreation today.

A.P. Amm = armor-piercing ammunition (picture is a technical schematic for a 15 inch A.P. shell)
HC Amm = high caliber ammunition

sp...al = special
an. = announcement
stod = stood

Thursday, August 12, 2010

August 12, 1945

12 _____ Got underway early & went out for test firing. We shot down a few drones. (planes)
_____ We heard the Allies had excepted the Japs offer for peace & had given the Japs the uncondiction surrender turms. now well have to wait & see what the Japs will have to say.
_____ We came back in tonight & drope anchor. tomorrow were going to take on Amm from the (Victore_____)

Drones (planes): Unmanned targets used for anti-aircraft practice.

excepted = accepted
uncondiction surrender turms = unconditional surrender terms
Amm = ammunition

Victore = Victory ships were cargo ships constructed during WWII to replace those lost to German U-boats. All the ships had names with Victory in them, such as the Red Oak Victory and (pictured) the U.S.S.R. Victory and Brazil Victory.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

August 11, 1945

(11) _____ We got underway early this morning & went out to fire _ USS Vicksburg came out with us
_____ (There wasnt very much news about the Jap peace offer.) & there still hasn't been any order on seace fire. A few more Atom bombs were drop on another Jap city
_____ We came back into anchorage tonight but were going out tomorrow morning.

Photo: USS Vickburg

seace = cease

"A few more Atom bombs": They received news about Nagasaki and Joe assumed more than one bomb had been dropped. In the experience of the average sailor, it took more than one bomb to destroy a city.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August 10, 1945

10- _____ Port had recreation, we were told in quarters that were going out tomorrow for the weekend.
_____ We had lower deck inspection this afternoon.
_____ tonight while looking at the movies we heard the greatest news we ever heard it said
(The Japs had ask for Peace.)
_____ Everybody almost went nuts _ all ships in the harbor turned there serch lights on _ we all begins firing rockets & different color flares _ it really was a beautiful sight

serch = search

Two photos of the rockets and flares Joe mentioned.

When the Imperial Council of Japan met on the night of August 9 to consider the surrender, the vote was a tie. The Emperor broke the tie, ordering Japan to surrender. The offer of surrender was made on August 10. Japan's only condition was that the Emperor remain a nominal head of state. The Allies agreed as long as the Emperor had only ceremonial duties. The Imperial Council didn't want to give in at first, but after more non-atomic air raids over Japan, the Emperor insisted they accept.

Monday, August 9, 2010

August 9, 1945

[July] 21 to the 9t of Aug- _____ We spent all this time in port _ every Sat we had inspection _ recreation every day _ port one day _ starboard the next, all together about 260 men rated recreation each day.
159 days

The last day of Joe's self-imposed journal hiatus.
260 men was only a little more than 10% of the ship's crew.

Photo shows the second atomic bomb explosion over Nagaski.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

August 8, 1945

Joe made no entry today.

Photo: the Mobile's "Water Gang" -- which I think is the crew that tests the water that goes into the ship's boilers.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

August 7, 1945

Joe made no entry today.

Photo: The Mobile's geedunk stand (for us landlubbers: the snack bar).

Friday, August 6, 2010

August 6, 1945

Joe made no entry today.

Photo: The plane that flew over Hiroshima, Japan on August 6th and dropped the first atomic bomb.

Editor's note: My uncle may have been bored that week, but I'm very grateful he was nearly 2000 miles away from Hiroshima.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

August 5, 1945

159 days

Joe made no entry today, but since he wrote the above on his last entry and 159 days from Feb 28 is today, I've included it here.

Photo: American Army base in the Phillippines.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010

August 1, 1945

Joe made no entry today.

This is the only photo from the cruise books that shows African-American members of the USS Mobile's crew. The photo was labeled "Cooks and Stewards."