Sunday, August 22, 2010

August 22, 1945

22- _____ We were off Okinawa all night just waiting for it to get light enough to go in. We entered N_____ Bay at 700 & we drop anchor a few thousand yard from beach. There were seven other BB in here. they were

USS Penna. __ 38 ___ USS W. Vir.
USS N. Mex. _ 40 ___ USS Colorado
USS Miss - _ 41
USS Idaho - _ 42
USS Tenn - _ 43

{also there were}
C div 12 which consist of
USS Cleveland 55
USS Montpelier
USS Denver 57
USS Clambia

2 C.A - __ USS Whil 45
_______ USS
2 - B.C. _ USS Alaska -1
_______ USS Guam -2
also about 5 small carrier.

N = Nakagusuku Bay

C div 12 = another division of light cruisers like the Mobile (which was in division 13).

Clambia = USS Columbia
USS Whil = CA 45 was the USS Wichita
B.C. = actually CB, a class of large cruisers.

#109 was USS Cape Gloucester which was an escort carrier (CVE)

#29 was USS Bataan, a light carrier (CVL)

Photo is of the 3rd Fleet.

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