Saturday, September 11, 2010

September 12, 1945

12- _____ This morning we find ourselves within sight of (Nagasaki Bay) _ This morning it rained a little _ the sun is still not out. It seems a little colder. A new point system came out today _ there now counting over seas duty.
_____ Three Jap ships are being used by mine sweepers to clear out the mine fields. they loaded them with wood & there pulling them through the mine fields _ if they do hit a mine _ they wont sink.
_____ Fellow who died last night was transferred to DD - DD went back to Okinawa. Also transfered mail.

Point system: Used to determine length of service for military personnel. The new point system assigned more points for overseas duty, meaning Joe would be able to muster out sooner. The government could afford to do this now that the war was ending. Photo shows the Army point system rating card.

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