Wednesday, September 8, 2010

September 9, 1945

9th _____ This morning we got underway at 545 _ we left the harbor at about 500 _ three ships of C____ Div 12 got underway at the same time but didnt leave the harbor with us. One DD came out with us. We pass by s_____ which was on our starboard side.
_____ The captain made a special speech _ he told us that we were now on our way to N_____ where we are to cover a fleet of mine sweepers. he told us the area would be field of mines & that we had to keep a very close lookout for them. After we help clear the area the transports are soupose to bring in troops for the occupation of the big Navel Base there.

C___ Div 12 = Cruiser Division 12

s_______ = Something is crossed out before the "s" that may be "port," then a blank is left, so possibly he meant a port that began with the letter "S". At a guess, possibly Sesoko Island off of Okinawa. The photo shows the graves of Japanese soldiers on Okinawa, with Sesoko Island in the background.

N______ = Nagasaki

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