Thursday, November 18, 2010

November 18, 1945

18 _____ Today is the day we've been all waiting for. We took on 800 passengers this morning & this afternoon _ 2 LCT came along side this morning at 900 & each had about 200 men _ two more came along side this afternoon about 1300 with 400 more passengers. The side was souposed to get underway at 1700 but we didn't clear the harbor till 1800. We flew our homeward bound pennant which was 1000 ft long. It sure is going to be some sight when we pull into the states.
(Sacabo is located 33°N. on 130 M.)

[written in bottom margin:] change course on 18 at 32°N. on 129 M

LCT = Tank landing craft

The homeward bound pennant was a narrow strip, 1300 feet long, one foot for every man in the crew, constructed of pieces of flags. Photo shows the crew constructing it.

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